Peace Of Mind

The best way to clear the mind and to get that extra boost of energy. These photos were taken on a long bikeride, followed by climbing to the top of a mountain. Even though it was a challenging and hard workout, it also was extremely satisfying to push my comfort levels! I love getting out in the middle of nature, either on my own or with my boyfriend. And the camera always tags along of course! It's really a great way to regain focus on what's going on in your life and what you are trying to achieve.

"If you want more out of something the first step to getting it is to being thankful for what’s already there. When you fully appreciate, understand and exploit whats immediately available to you is when you’re ready for the next thing. Don’t worry about how, why or how long it will take – just get to it and everything will manifest itself in the process."
Encouraging and inspirational words written by the guy who runs my favorite music site: et musique pour tous. I think it's important to appreciate all the amazing people and things around us and use that energy to create your own work. Try to illiminate the people who bring negativity and limit you in any way.  At least this is how I plan on keeping a positive state of mind and reach my goals. Be patient and great things will come your way! Well, enough rambling for now :)
Next up will be wedding photos from Copenhagen.